Welcome to the Excelsior Award
What is the Excelsior Award?
The Excelsior Award is the only fully independent, nationwide book award for graphic novels and manga - where kids aged 9-18 decide the winner (via four age-appropriate categories) by rating each book as they read it! The award now regularly attracts over two hundred schools from all over the UK and Ireland.
For 2025, twenty graphic novels/manga will be selected for the four age-appropriate shortlists. The overall goal of this scheme is to encourage reading amongst teenagers. However, its secondary target is to raise the profile of graphic novels and manga amongst school librarians and teachers. This storytelling medium has been a largely underused resource within education for many years. The Excelsior Award attempts to highlight some of the amazing books that are out there - books that fully deserve to be in our school libraries alongside regular fiction!

Winner 2024
Hades: The Horn of Plenty (published by Autumn Publishing) is the overall winner of the Excelsior Award 2024, as chosen by the students of the UK. Hades was a very interesting winner as, although it is a spin-off of the American-made Disney movie Hercules (1997), the style of storytelling within this book has a very European flavour. Thank you to all the schools that took part this year!
With Great Power There Must Also Come.... Great Supporters!
Many thanks to the following companies, organisations and institutions for their continuing support....